How passive and active safety impacted our day to day.

Seguridad pasiva y activa

Over the last decades, the automotive industry has invested in the newest measures to ensure passive and active safety for pedestrians, and vehicle users.

During the last year, 1,004 victims died due to road traffic accidents, and 3,728 were seriously injured in Spain. 2021 was the second-best year in history, with 9% less deaths over the previous year. This situation is close to the rest of Europe and the United States. While in Asian countries such as Thailand and India, these numbers are drastically upper.

According to Thailand’s Road Security Centre, with a population of 69.8 million, Thailand registered 13,479 deaths and 880,578 injuries due to traffic in 2021. In 2020, a study published by OMS reported that 2.51% of total deaths in India were due to road traffic accidents. This is why  passive and active safety are an important goal to achive for the industry leaders.

In these countries, the road is a real jungle, crowded with all sorts of transport, and people’s hustle and bustle make it easy to be run over. That is why investing in passive and active safety can make the difference.

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